Having Computer Trouble?
For fast IT support, please submit a ticket below. This will alert our dedicated team of your issue and it will be allocated to the relevant support agent
Support tickets will be received and handled between 0830-1700 Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays
If you have an out of hours support package with us, please contact your dedicated support agent directly
For non-urgent requests please either email us at support@apple-wood.co.uk or call us on 020 3141 8833
Security Systems or Fire Alarm Support
If you require immediate assistance please call our 24hr emergency number on 020 3696 9489
This service is only available to existing customers with a maintenance package with us
For non-urgent support requests please message us below or email us at security@apple-wood.co.uk
Download Centre
If you are an existing customer requiring support and have not spoken to us yet, please contact us before proceeding any further on this page. This will help us to ensure that you receive the appropriate support and guidance that you need.
Installation Instructions
- Click on TeamViewer Quick Support button below.
- Once the download is complete, open the Quick Support app.
- Accept the License Agreement. Read the agreement and click “Accept” if you agree with the terms.
- A TeamViewer ID and password will then be shown on the screen. Share this information with us and we us to establish a remote connection.
Installation Instructions
- Click on the Splashtop link that you received from our support team.
- You will be prompted to download and run the Splashtop streamer. Click on the download link and follow the instructions to install the streamer on your device.
- Once you have installed the Splashtop streamer, you may be prompted to grant permission for the streamer to access your device. Please allow the streamer to access your device.
- Wait for our support team to establish a remote session. During this time, the support team will be able to view and control your device.
- Once the support team has resolved your issue, we will end the remote session.